Why should we choose you?
This is a simple and obvious question on the interviewer’s mind when they first look at you walking in or joining online for your interview. And they are several unique aspects about your personality and knowledge that help answer this question for them.
Interviews have evolved to be more personal and critical of a candidate’s character rather than just their skill sets. And in the hospitality industry, where teamwork and sophisticated consumer management is of the essence, candidate screening is highly precise and multi-layered.
With the increasing number of candidates for hospitality jobs in India, it is only obvious that you have to be the best version of yourself when being interviewed. We asked out panel of hospitality experts to compile the 6 most crucial aspects of preparing for a hospitality interview that every candidate must be aware of. And here’s what they had to say:
Understand Yourself Before Understanding The Interviewer
Before you focus on what the interviewer would be looking for, it is important to know if you know your own aspects honestly and thoroughly. So take a pad and pen (or a document on the computer) and start listing down questions about yourself that need to be answered with utmost honesty.
- What are my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to teamwork?
- How good is my general knowledge about the hospitality industry?
- How well do I understand my desired job profile?
- Do I really have all the skills required for this job? If not then what else can you offer to balance them out?
- Do I really want to explore a particular stream of hospitality? If yes then what motives me?
- What are my key achievements from my previous job experiences?
Such questions will literally put your mind at ease when facing personal questions and prevent you from giving awkward pauses and stammering answers, which is a significant negative point in the eyes of interviewers.
Make Sure To Learn About That Job & Hospitality Company In Detail
Now that you know yourself better, it’s time to understand the organization you would be potentially working for. Know more about the company beforehand is vital for two reasons: so that you are sure about your choice and prepare your answers to cater to their work culture and history. Plus, interviewers always remember the candidates who do their research and do not require over-explanations.
Here are the different ways that can collectively help you:
- Going through their website to learn more about their services, clientele, and repertoire so you know what you’re walking into.
- Running through their social accounts to see what they popularly highlight and if you can contribute to those aspects.
- Reading their reviews by clients or other employees to learn their strong and weak points.
- If possible, visiting the facility well before your interview to check out their amenities, current workforce, and other little aspects.
Look Like You Want That Job
We cannot emphasize more on this point. Even if you think that people should not be judged by their looks, how else would a person who has never met you judge you?
We understand that hospitality is often treated as a semi-casual industry, but not for the employees. Unless you look like a professional, you will not be taken seriously, period.
And here are a few points to avoid this scenario:
- Make sure your clothes are clean and ironed, your fingernails are clean and trimmed and your hair is washed and brushed.
- A suit and tie for men and pants or a skirt suit for women are always recommended. You can customize according to your job role but make sure your clothes are decent and subtle.
- Avoid smoking, drinking, or eating anything that would cause smelly breath during the interview.
Make The Best First Impression
Your first impression decides if your interviewers would judge you on a positive or negative scale thereafter. Since you won’t get a second chance to make this first impression, here are a few this to get it right the first time:
- Try to reach around 10 to 15 minutes before the interview, not too late and not too early.
- Always carry a few extra copies of your resume with you and share them with other staff if they ask for it.
Show The Best Of Characteristics & Behaviors You Have
Once you start your interview, keep an eye out for every little detail about your words, actions, and expressions. The interviewer is a human being who would appreciate and admire the same etiquettes one expects from a normal conversation. Following are some of these etiquettes:
- Body language is of paramount importance in hospitality jobs, so smile, make eye contact, and shake hands with people who will be meeting with you.
- Be confident, as it is only a meeting with professionals who want to know more about you.
- Never forget the names and designations of the interviewers and other important people.
- Answer the job-related questions with reference to your skills specifically, for example, say “As a staff manager I have…” instead of referring to yourself only.
- Stick to the point; keep your answers short and precise.
- Be enthusiastic about how you can add value to their establishment.
- Keep the communication open by allowing them to ask more questions and listening carefully.
- If their question was unclear and needs repeating, ask politely after they finish without interrupting.
- If they reject you due to certain missing requirements, accept it with a smile and let them know that they can reach out to you in future as well.
Practice Rigorously & Endlessly
You can never be perfect at an interview. There’s always more room to learn and grow. So find new weaknesses and challenges that you have to face during interviews and list them down. Keeping improving your answers for the most crucial questions as by hospitality recruiters. These questions may include:
- What does good customer service mean to you?
- Why do you want to work for this company?
- Why did you leave your last job?
- How can you contribute to our team?
- What salary range are you expecting?
In fact, you can head over to our article about the most frequently asked interview questions and answers to learn a plethora of new queries you might have to face.
By following these suggestions, you will know what to expect and what answers to give. You’ll be prepared to face the high profile hospitality job interviews posted on HotelsJobs confidently. If you want, scan through all the hotel management job postings to see if you can apply for a position right away.